Then We Came to the End is a highly recommended novel (just check out the pages of praise inside the cover) about office life in the climate of lay-offs. Pink slips are hanging over all their heads and the stress & gossip is driving these advertising 9-5ers to all sorts of distractions. Back-stabbing, pranks, questionable behaviours, aloof bosses who don't give away any clues to their private lives...it's all in here. I just bet you'll recognize many a co-worker in this tome.
To be honest, I found parts of the middle of this novel to be a bit long and tedious but overall, it's a fantasticly funny and dark account of life in the office during tough economic times. At at time when lay-offs happen more often than not, it's refreshing to read a humorous take on an upsetting, life-changing event.
1 comment:
Read this in January - after I had been... laid off! Definitely a good read; funny, makes you think, even sorta mysterious in parts. Hm, who should be cast in the movie....
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